Tomorrow we're giving up our place in daycare. I'm terrified. We love the place Blanka's at now, but we just can't do the long days anymore. We have finally found a nice kindergarten closer to where we live so she won't have to commute with us to the city every morning. I'm terrified. Oh, did I say that already? The new place is small and personal and seems cozy and friendly and, you know, pleasant. But still. I'm a nervous wreck. "Trust your guts" my mother told me last night. Well, all it's telling me is that I have no clue. No clue and no guts.
Apart from that, all is well. A little swamped at worked and still no camera, hence the meagre posting. But boy, do I appreciate you coming by. Even you quiet ones!
Ugh, that is a huge change. To find someone to look after your child is a huge deal. Keep us updated.
Positive happy thoughts your way:)
hello from one of the quiet ones!
here's what i've been up to lately - laughing exercises for the body and mind...
Dear Rat,
I'm so glad to have you back! Thought you'd never forgive me for the polar bears that are yet to show up on your doorstep. Thank you for taking the higher road!
don't you hate it when you WANT to trust your guts but you feel like you don't have them when you need them?
how is blanka liking her new place? xoxo
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