Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Dress And La Princesse

Many of you were seriously disappointed with my coverage from the wedding in la belle Suisse. I don't blame you. In fact I blame the camera and it's many shortcomings (like being unable to to what I asked it to and later breaking down). But two minutes ago my lovely cousin Hélène sent me this picture, asking me why the blog's been so quiet the last couple of weeks (work, sick kids, more work). And all of a sudden I was there again, outside the Greek Orthodox church in Lausanne, with my blushing and very newly wed cousin and oh, what a day that was. So here's looking at you, kiddo. You were a very beautiful bride. And you are so very lovely, my most faithful and quiet reader. Je t'adore.

Leo would have loved this dress, had he been at all into dresses. What really would have intrigued him though, would have been the whole ceremony with the crowns and all. But alas, no pictures. Or what do you say, cousine?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thanks for all those compliments!!
I'm half proud and half embarrased to be today's star of your blog ;)
BUT YOU NEEDED TO POST SOMETHING, for the sake of my mental health.
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