Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Keeping It Real

It's the end of the dinner following my grandfather's funeral and Blanka is standing on her toes, kissing my grandmother for the first time, very loudly on the mouth.

Blanka: Goodbye and thankyou! I have to go now.

Grandma Sassa: Oh, goodbye my darling, sweetest little angel, oh goodbye my little love...

Blanka: (very loud) YES, I have to go POOP now, GOODBYE.


Callie Grayson said...

love children, they are so honest!!

. said...

Quite straightforward!
I guess you might want to brace yourself for more to come!
What did our grandmother say?

Anna Ander said...

Nothing! She was lost for words! Something that rarely ever happens in my family...

Dionne said...

Hahahahah, children tell it like it is, don't they?!!!

(i am sorry about your Grandfather's passing).

Pamela said...

kids. are. awesome. that's all i have to say!