Peonies working on it. Maybe a week away?
Löjtnantshjärta (Lieutenant's Heart). Pretty flower, pretty name.
Allium? Smells a bit onion-y, not my favourite. But pretty grand.
Weed. But the good kind. It may stay.
Lilacs coming along. Smells like skolavslutning (last day of school).
Lilac lilacs (not too fond of the really dark ones).
Tomatoes! Though badly neglected. They might or might not make it.
Carrots, beets and turnips. Yeah, I know. Turnips. But they looked so pretty! Have to transfer them to the bigger plot tonight, or they will most probably die. God, gardening is hard work. So many weeds, so little time. Such heavy lifting, so little strength. Ah, well. It's still rewarding. And if anything I've planted turns into an edible vegetable, I'll be the proudest gardener on earth. Happy weekend!
your garden is impressive, anna! such pretty colours!
xx irina
your peonies look like ours.
our lilacs have come and gone.
my lettuce has not survived... weird.
wow! your tomato plants are so tall!
Your garden is coming along so well. The "Weed" is a corn flower, I have those too. We seem to have the same flowers in our gardens. I need to plant the Allium, love the grand globes!!
My neighbor just gave me a huge bag of cosmos seeds. Was going to plant them this morning, but it now pouring rain so maybe tomorrow morning!!
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