Monday, April 18, 2011

Thirtyseven Isn't Halfbad (It's All Good)

So last week the much talked about birthday finally happened. And with excellent timing the midlife crisis decided to vanish (not without a trace, no) only two days before D Day (B day?). And my dears, let me tell you. It was a good one. One of the best! There were cards in the mail from lovely sisters-and-mother-in-law, there were homemade flags and the best breakfast in bed ever, there was a dreamy dinner and parents in town and a plum tree (planted this weekend by Husband of the Year) and a sister and sunshine and newly swept streets and coffee with BFF (still gorgeous after all these years) and a. new. bike. A red new bike that is mine and mine alone and doesn't come from a dumpster (yep, the old one did) and I lovelovelove it. Listen to me, I sound like I'm fourteen talking about it. That's what a new bike can do to you. Or a birthday. Thank you so much. I'm all new now. Reborn. My name is Anna Ander and I'm 37 years old. (Hello Anna Ander!)


RW said...

hello hello.
I am a terrible friend... I did not wish you a most happy birthday Friday. boo.
I am very glad it was most lovely and I am keen to see a photo of said bike.

Anna said...

<3 Happy Birthday Beautiful Anna!! : ) How lucky of the world to have you for 37 years! Cheers to many, many more to come!


Anna Ander said...

Thank you both! It was an excellent day and I'm finding 37 too be very enjoyable. Who would have thunk it.

irinka said...

Happy belated Birthday!!! I love that your kids made flags for your big day - like on the queen's birthday waving flags in the streets :)

Anna Ander said...

Thank you! I loved the flags, made me feel positively Middleton-ish.

Anonymous said...

37 is the new 25, didn't they tell you? and that's also the berlin effect, i guess!

anyway, i see that you have been following "à la lettre" my tidbit of "advice": you make me feel so importantrespectedtrustfulgood, as if i were turning 37 myself! tack!

liebe grüße dear anna!

Anna Ander said...

Oh, Aym, your wish is my command! And it was excellent advice. Loving the Berlin effect.

Callie Grayson said...

Happy belated Birthday my friend Anna Ander!!
is that a princess cake with pink cake that I spy on your plate!!
mmmmm love them!

Callie Grayson said...

Happy belated Birthday my friend Anna Ander!!
is that a princess cake with pink cake that I spy on your plate!!
mmmmm love them!

ElizaHennessey said...
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ElizaHennessey said...

Happy belated Birthday Anna! Believe me, 37 isn't so bad, especially considering you have two lovely children and a super wonderful husband to show for it!

Looking forward to seeing how this wonderful new year shapes up for you!


Anna Ander said...

Dear Callie and Elizabeth, thank you! I'm one lucky duck.