I was born here, so I ought to know. But somehow the terrible weather this weekend managed to take me by surprise. We had to change the plans for our Last City Weekend Celebration and concentrate on indoorsy stuff. More McDonald's and less football in the park. Oh well. This is what we looked like, on our street, heading for the Stadsmuseet (Museum of Stockholm). The weather's so bad, it looks like we're in freaking Warsaw. (My apologies to any Polish readers. But if you live there, you know what I mean.)
When the weather turns against us, we usually turn to food. So also yesterday. Here we are having some pre-lunch gateaux. (And this is a terrible picture, but Wilhelm thought it was so cool that we were "IN the mirror!", that I promised to include it.)
After the excursion we went on to make fantastic pizza. And why not, it was still pouring outside. Blanka was very proud of her new body art.
Notice the bohemian display of cheese and paint? Tomato sauce and paintbrushes? Lovely, this whole moving ordeal, just lovely.
Wilhelm topped things off with some icecream with stale popcorn and fudge. Yum.
That's it, Stockholm! I'm taking these guys with me and not looking back. But it's been lovely. Thank you so very much.
Leo wouldn't approve of the mess we live in right now, so I'm keeping him out of this.
Welcome to the new home! Good luck with the settling-in. Did you move that far away from sunny Stockholm?
Not very far, no, about 13 minutes on the metro... Not exactly into the wilderness. The moving in will take place in a week, right now we live in cardboard box mayhem. But it will all be good in the end, they tell me. Phew.
Thanks for the comment Anna. I'm enjoying your blog.
Your family is way cool. The fact that you live in Sweden makes you exponentially cooler.
It looks like a fun last few days in the city. The kids looked like they had fun.
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